BOOM: Who are the conspiracy theorists now?

Big question answered: Yes, politics does spill over into your health, whether you like it or not. Remember there’s an important reciprocal balance between mental health and physical health. Currently, more than 50 million Americans are completely stressed out by politics, and it’s affecting their mental and physical health. It may be more like 150 million.

What’s happening to these people? Most of these folks were brainwashed by their tube and their newspapers to believe our President is a horrible person, through and through. They’re literally thinking Socialism might be for the “greater good.” Where have we heard that before?

Most of these media-worshiping Americans believe everything they see and hear on MSM, including the “official story” to anything and everything, and then they literally go out and buy the products advertised between the “stories” and the fake, scripted news. The media, funded by Big Pharma and Big Food, lie about food and medicine during the shows. Even Hollywood is “in” on most of the conspiracy theories. So, how informed and intelligent are you, still? Let’s see.

Are you one of those conspiracy theorists who believed Al Gore’s global warming hoax that came and went already, the same one AOC is pushing now, with almost the exact same wording? Hey, you’re the conspiracy theorist. You may even believe prescription medications help heal you, or that children need 40 vaccines for protection from infectious diseases, or that tap water is safe to drink. That may be half of America.

Do you still believe jet fuel brought down the World Trade Center? Do you still believe the Government isn’t spying on you? Do you still believe the Earth is flat? Do you still think chemical pesticides “aren’t that bad” for you? Sure, you need some more wake-up calls. Just admit it, and move on, forward preferably. Here they come: The biggest conspiracy theories, busted.

The biggest conspiracy theories BUSTED wide open for all to see

Busted: Yes, the NSA got caught red-handed. Nobody in the media could deny the truth anymore. Nobody. Yet, for years before Snowden, anyone who said the U.S. government was spying on every U.S. citizen (not just the “terrorists,” as claimed), including recording all phone calls, data-basing your private contacts, storing emails, analyzing all social media – THAT was a “conspiracy theory” – well, up until Edward Snowden revealed the NSA PRISM.

Now Facebook and Twitter face lawsuits for censoring, banning, and shadow-banning conservative viewpoints and real news. Welcome to the “free” country where you’re spied on 24/7/365 by your own government. So, who are the conspiracy theorists now?

Busted: Glyphosate poisoning now being realized in U.S. courts, and it’s likely Bayer/Monsanto could be bankrupted by a tsunami of cancer-case lawsuits. So, who are the conspiracy theorists now?

Busted: Mueller Report contains no Trump/Russia collusion – nothing even close. Two-and-a-half years wasted and millions of dollars later to tell us something we all already knew (well, except for the MSM sheep). So, who are the conspiracy theorists now?

Busted: Climate alarmists had to change the title from “global warming” to “climate change” when the first fake science got exposed. Now the CO2 myth is exposed and we’re in a slow cooling phase. Oops. So, who are the conspiracy theorists now? They’re even admitting chem-trails are real because they want to use them to spread bio-waste to block out the sun. Go figure.

Busted:  Vaccines, including the flu shot, now being revealed as direct killers, not just neurological nightmares for infants and autistic children. Exposed: More than $4 billion spent from the vaccine injury slush fund to silence the wounded and families of the maimed by the “golden immunity” of the highly secretive vaccine industry and their self-appointed judge in their private court of “law.”

And there you have it. So, who are the conspiracy theorists now? It’s quite obvious the abortion push is part of a depopulation scheme. No conspiracy “doubts” there.

Busted: Most mass shootings in America over the last 20 years have occurred in “safe zones” where there are no guns allowed, and the shooters themselves were taking dangerous and experimental psychotropic prescription pharmaceuticals for depression or anxiety. Yet the mass media NEVER broadcasts news about legal gun owners (with a legal carry permit) shooting those domestic “terrorists” and stopping the gun violence and thus saving lives. That doesn’t fit the narrative.

It all spills over into health – the politics and the legislation

If you think the politics of all of this cannot directly affect your health and livelihood, you are gravely mistaken. Truth media keeps smart consumers out of the dark and in the light, where they can purchase the right food and medicine for longevity and vitality. You simply must know when Bayer/Monsanto or Merck is trying to push some new GMO nightmare food or toxic teen vaccine and trick the general public into disease and mental disorder.

You simply must know when your search engine is being manipulated in a way so you’ll mistakenly vote for the Democrats, who all seem to want to crush the Republic right now for their own control-tripping financial gain.

Don’t let the globalists and tech giants fool you in to voting away the Constitution in 2020. Pay attention to truth media and never let the wool get pulled down over your eyes, not even for a second.

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