With President Trump now vindicated of all conspiracy theories concerning “Russian collusion,” where is the mainstream media’s apology to the American people?

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that President Donald Trump has been fully vindicated of all alleged wrongdoing as it pertains to the infamous “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory that was concocted by the Left following Trump’s election. Two-and-a-half years and $30 million in taxpayer dollars later, and the unequivocal verdict by Robert Mueller and his team of witch-hunters was no collusion, which begs the question: Will the President, along with all Americans, finally get the apology they deserve from the lying fake news media that fueled and spread this seditious hoax?

The answer, of course, is most likely not. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue proclaiming from the rooftops that media rabble-rousers like CNN and MSNBC need to be held accountable one way or another for inciting civil unrest by scheming endless fake news about our president, who’s had to endure a relentless barrage of baseless, partisan attacks from the deranged Left ever since America elected the man to office.

Though his media outlet is hardly one of the president’s allies, The Intercept‘s Glenn Greenwald made the truth known over the weekend on his Twitter account that the mainstream media at large has a lot of explaining to do about this fiasco. Like the tens of millions of conservatives who knew all along that there was no evidence of collusion, and that the whole thing was simply a Democrat-concocted witch hunt, Greenwald says the fake news media must be held accountable for being accomplices in trying to incite a coup against Trump and his administration.

“If there’s no media reckoning for what they did, don’t ever complain again when people attack the media as ‘Fake News’ or identify them as one of the country’s most toxic and destructive forces,” Greenwald tweeted. “They’ve earned those attacks.”

Greenwald calls out intelligence spooks from CIA, NSA, and Pentagon who colluded with fake news networks to spread lies about Trump

It wasn’t just the mainstream media, either. It couldn’t be more apparent that treasonous elements embedded within America’s intelligence communities actively conspired to take down Trump using mass propaganda to fuel “resistance” among Leftists. And fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC were the ones to deliver this propaganda, in the process committing journalistic fraud worthy of punishment to the full extent of the law.

“There should be major accountability in the US media and in the intelligence community they united with to drown US political discourse for 2 years straight in unhinged conspiratorial trash, distracting from real issues,” Greenwald wrote in another tweet. “That’s what should happen as a first step. But it won’t.”

MSNBC hosts should collectively go on the air, bow their heads in shame, and apologize to the public for what they’ve done,” he added in yet another tweet. “Outlets should fire the ex-CIA, NSA and Pentagon officials who used their disinformation training to help these ‘news agencies’ mislead everyone.”

Greenwald has repeatedly tried to confront these networks in person, offering to go on the air with their talking-heads to discuss the matter publicly. But none of them have agreed to such a discourse, instead choosing to perpetuate lies, lies, and more lies completely unobstructed.

“Institutions turn rotten when no dissent or skepticism is allowed,” Greenwald says.

“[I]f you’re an MSNBC viewer – or reader of liberal sites on the internet – you were fed a steady stream of conspiratorial bulls*** that completely warped your view of the world, all while they purposely excluded anyone who questioned their fraud & profited off your fears,” he adds.

For more news about how the mainstream media has been engaged in a treasonous mass propaganda campaign against President Trump and his supporters for at least the past two years, be sure to visit Propaganda.news and Faked.news.

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